Towards a digital product

Optimize and speed up time-consuming processes with smart technology


When developing high-quality digital products, you usually need to invest a significant amount of time and money. If the development process is not focused on the needs of the user, your invested time and money can go to waste in a worst-case scenario. In our Success Story 01, we worked towards a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and focused our product development on a well-defined target group and their needs. This achieved success with a reasonable and manageable investment.

We focused our development based on the results of user surveys and usability tests. The valuable feedback gained from the users provided insights that guided our development towards the MVP.

Technology stack overview:

React Native

The challenge

To speed up and optimize the time-consuming and documentation-heavy steps in company processes using custom software. Our aim was to combine and simplify the complex planning and estimation stages in electrical work. The application was required to operate offline in order to support electrical work carried out at customers’ construction sites.

App development

The result

The project was a complete success. The developed application enables the master electrician to plan and simultaneously document an electrical installation directly on site with the customer. Partially automated quotation calculations save valuable time. Further development in stages is planned for the operations app.

If you would like to learn more about this project, please visit us in Kaiserslautern:

Good software is based on a good understanding of customer requirements. We take extra care to understand your needs during our initial consultation, which is, of course, free of charge and without obligation.

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